Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Transformation of Marriage - 2309 Words

Abstract The marriage revolution has been a controversial issue since the dawn of time, and all that are and have been involved with â€Å"matrimony† are aware of the issues of the future. There can be no denying that the culture of marriage has changed. This very course is itself a great example of this fact. Much like any other sociological subject of any real concern, there are many â€Å"opinions† related to this issue. This paper will attempt to highlight marriage seen as the sociological transformation, marital erosion versus evolution, and why many people fail at marriage and what does it take to be successful in greater detail. This will allow you, the readers, to make up your own minds regarding this extremely multifaceted issue.†¦show more content†¦So the assumed stabilities of 40 or 50 years ago — the Ozzie and Harriet world that most people refer to, if they ever existed, certainly dont exist now. Social conservatives blame divorce, cohabitation, illegitimacy, and the demise of the traditional family for societys ills, from poverty, crime, and juvenile delinquency to the moral decay and destruction of the American way of life. In the 1970s, marriage was at its lowest but by the late 1990s there was a reappearance of marriage, seen in the leveling off of the divorce rate. Although the claims for the value of marriage by conservatives and gay-rights proponents quot;were from two ends of the spectrum, they came together — at least at the rhetorical level — for what marriage...accomplishes and how crucial it is as a social institution.quot; (Gallagher, 2002) Historic change in American matrimony is especially pronounced in three areas: the equalizing of the respective rights and duties of wives and husbands, the dissolution of marital prohibitions based on race, and the evolution from state-defined grounds for divorce to couple-defined no fault divorce. The most recent area of debate is whether the state should sanction marital consent between same-sex couples. Although such a prospect is unthinkable to some, earlier forms of legal marriage are equally unimaginable now. AsShow MoreRelatedThe Word History Transformation of Marriage - Answers1964 Words   |  8 Pages×”× ¡Ã—˜×•×“×  Ã—Ëœ________________________ × ªÃ—â€" ___________ ×â€"ומ× ¨ ×”×Å"ימוד ×Å"מט×Å"×”: ×â€"וב× ¨Ã— ª ×Å"מידה-Part 1 (ב× §Ã—•× ¨Ã— ¡ המ× ªÃ—•× §Ã— ©Ã—‘ : ×Å"ומדה –Part 1 ) ×  Ã—™× ªÃ—Ÿ ×Å"×”×™× ¢Ã—â€"× ¨ בטי× ¤Ã—™×  × ©Ã—  Ã—ž× ¦Ã— Ã—™×  ב× Ã— ªÃ— ¨ ×Å"יד הממן The World Historical Transformation of Marriage Eye-catching features 1. Check (() the eye-catching features that appear in this text. source of the text date of publication √ title √ subtitle or information under the title author’s name biographical information about theRead MoreThe Word History Transformation of Marriage - Answers1980 Words   |  8 Pages×”× ¡Ã—˜×•×“×  Ã—Ëœ________________________ × ªÃ—â€" ___________ ×â€"ומ× ¨ ×”×Å"ימוד ×Å"מט×Å"×”: ×â€"וב× ¨Ã— ª ×Å"מידה-Part 1 (ב× §Ã—•× ¨Ã— ¡ המ× ªÃ—•× §Ã— ©Ã—‘ : ×Å"ומדה –Part 1 ) ×  Ã—™× ªÃ—Ÿ ×Å"×”×™× ¢Ã—â€"× ¨ בטי× ¤Ã—™×  × ©Ã—  Ã—ž× ¦Ã— Ã—™×  ב× Ã— ªÃ— ¨ ×Å"יד הממן The World Historical Transformation of Marriage Eye-catching features 1. 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